Meet Kuro & Joon!

Our story

Inspired by two bubble loving, sun bathing, big hearted Bulladors, Kuro & Joon is a small pet treat company based in sunny Los Angeles, California. Like Kuro & Joon, many beloved 4 legged family members have tummy sensitivities that can make our job of finding treats a little more tedious. We make droolicious Pawkuterie Boards, Cakes, and Treats that are free from harmful ingredients you often find in many commercial brands.

The few treats on our boards that we don’t make, we outsource using other ethical companies. We also take great pride in working with other small businesses that share the same principles and values we do, like helping several pets in Animal Shelters throughout Los Angeles.

Whether shopping for your pup, or feline, our treats are sure to keep all fur babies wanting more. We hope your furry friends love our treats as much as we do!

— Kuro & Joon

Just a few of our Happy Pupstomers